Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starchild Skull DNA Work Reveals Alien or Unknown DNA and Human Mother

I first encountered the Starchild skull several years ago and made contact with Lloyd Pye with some thoughts toward locating a funding source to do the obvious in terms of DNA work.  That was not possible to do at the time but Lloyd has indeed followed through with limited resources and has recruited a lab able to do advanced work.

We have startling results.  When I first encountered this story, the question was whether this could simply be some form of human pathology to which it bears some similarity.  That has been answered in several different ways in the negative and is clearly unlikely from a number of perspectives that are described in the website.

We now have some initial DNA work.

1                    There is some human DNA that is presently hypothesized as the mother’s mitochondrial DNA.  In other words, an alien embryo was implanted in a human mother.  Alternatively it has been claimed from cultural sources that humanity has a portion of alien DNA as part of an upgrade wrought 200,000 years ago.  Take your choice.
2                    There is a clear sequence of unidentifiable DNA not found in our present comprehensive databases.  By definition it is alien to our present data.

As interesting the skull itself has revealed additional information which is non terran.  It is much thinner and much stronger than our skulls.  It includes fibrous entanglements in the bone itself that are far stronger than any biological substance we are familiar with.  It also appears that the skull is not completely scoured by bacterial action.

Watch the video of Lloyd explaining the results.  Much progress has been made and they deserve our full support.

The next phase is to clearly sequence the full genome of this creature.

THE STARCHILD SKULL is a unique 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. The Starchild Project is an informal organization which began in 1999 when Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the Starchild Skull, asked Lloyd Pye to head research efforts to determine what caused the unusual shape and properties of the bone.

The results uncovered by Pye’s team ruled out all known deformities, and presented the scientific community with a genetic and physiological profile never before seen on Earth.


In Brief: A modified "shotgun" DNA recovery technique has been successfully used to recover coherent segments of the Starchild Skull's nuclear DNA. Of the (approx.) 3 billion base pairs in the skull's genome, several thousand have been recovered. These nuclear DNA fragments have been analyzed by the National Institutes of Health BLAST program, and a substantial percentage of that DNA has "no significant similarity" to any DNA previously found on Earth.

These results have been verified and repeated; however, more DNA needs to be recovered and analyzed before a formal report can be completed.

In Detail: Early in 2010 the head of a large genetics lab in the U.S. contacted the Starchild Project and suggested that he could attempt to use a recovery technique called modified “shotgun” sequencing to isolate the Starchild’s nuclear DNA. This is the same nuclear DNA that could not be recovered during six attempts in an extensive DNA test conducted by Trace Genetics in 2003.

Trace Genetics used what was available then: long human-only primers made from many thousands of base pairs strung together. The new refined shotgun technique could recover much shorter strings of as little as 200 to 500 base pairs long. Where primers are like a single bullet, the new technique is like a spray of shotgun pellets, giving a much better chance to hit a result. The geneticist was certain that if the skull’s nuclear DNA was still viable, then, human or not, he could recover it.\

A sample of the Starchild Skull’s bone was provided, and in a few weeks the geneticist reported some incredible results. Not only had he recovered substantial amounts of nuclear DNA, he had also made a historic discovery when he attempted to catalogue his results. The gel sheet below shows an unmistakable recovery of its nuclear DNA, showing more than a half-dozen strings between 1000 and 2000 base pairs long.

Gel sheet showing the recovery of the Starchild Skull's Nuclear DNA

Whenever a geneticist wants to have an unknown sequence of DNA analyzed, they send it for analysis to the enormous genetic database located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Maryland. That public-access database is a centralized repository of all the genomic data accumulated by U.S. government funded research, and it now covers every phylum on Earth, from various kinds of viruses and bacteria, to various kinds of crustaceans and fish, to all kinds of animals and plants, including primates and humans.

Our geneticist sent several samples of the Starchild’s nuclear DNA to be compared with trillions of recorded sequences at the NIH. Below we see a report summary returned by the NIH Basic Logical Alignment Search Tool (BLAST).

BLAST report on the Starchild Skull's Nuclear DNA

In this report we see that one length of 265 base pairs from the Starchild Skull’s nuclear DNA matches perfectly with a gene on human chromosome 1. This verifies that at least some of the nuclear DNA from the Starchild is from a human being.

In the next screen shot (below) a string of 342 base pairs recovered from the Starchild Skull was analyzed. This time the result reads: "No significant similarity found. For reasons why, click here.” Those “reasons why” are an automatically generated list of possible procedural errors designed to help geneticists check all possible flaws in their testing techniques. Our geneticist has verified his procedures and replicated his results, indicating that no such mistakes were made.

BLAST report on the Starchild Skull's Nuclear DNA

To have recovered a string of base pairs 342 nucleotides long with NO reference in the NIH database is astounding because it means there is NO known earthly corollary for what has been analyzed!

Please understand that these results have now been repeated and verified several times. Strings of Starchild DNA over 3000 base pairs long have failed to match with anything in the NIH database. Despite that, skeptics will be obligated by their positions to try to say it is some kind of genetic gibberish or a mistake made during the analysis process. Why?

Because, in the words of philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer: “Every truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Luckily, any protest can easily be overcome with continued repetition and reproduction of results, isolating more and more unique fragments to add to the library of data already being created from Starchild DNA.

Our geneticist is confident that complete confirmation will unfold over the following months as the Starchild Skull’s entire genome is recovered using advanced sequencing technology. Ultimately, he will be able to formally announce that he has absolute, ironclad proof that a significant part of the Starchild's genome cannot be found on Earth.

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